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L P King



A Message from L P King:

I'd just like to thank you for visiting the Mountain Mist Productions Showcase. It's been a long time since the 8th May, 2000, when I uploaded our first Website. It was about as exciting as a learning experience can get! There is now a solid history with this little family and I sense the time is approaching when we need to document that history. It has been quite a journey and I must thank all of our Supporters and Colleagues as well as the Members themselves. They are the true mist we each savour every single day. As I say on my own Site, the mist is the gift of Life itself, and we are very privileged to in turn share the gifts we each have with our many friends.

We operate as a real family and over the years friendships have grown as we have shared our lives and experiences. Collectively there is a lot of knowledge and expertise in this group and yet our true value must be acknowledged in terms of the equality and dignity which accentuates how we operate. Rare qualities these days; I am very proud of the achievements and values held by each Member. We are basically all very similar in nature and I really don't think it would work any other way. No egos or artistic tantrums around our kitchen table and rest assured I separate the wheat from the chaff if I have to. No nonsense in this family. Instead, there is a lot of empathy and co-operation and what we do for one we do for everyone.

I'd best not get carried away. There are some old articles around which perhaps better explain all of this and when I have time I will dig them out. My role as Owner, Operator and Principal is to basically drive the whole thing and that is an ongoing honour, let me tell you. What a great bunch of people!

All this time my own work has remained at e-book stage and I have only recently pulled the digital versions of my work and concentrated on setting up print versions. We began as one of the first E-Publishers in Australia and there was a time when we ranked about Number 5, so someone told me one day. I wouldn't know. I am not interested in crunching numbers or competing with anyone. It is far more important for us to be independent and to have the freedom of artistic expression we have always fought for.

Similarly, the whole deal with making money just doesn't cut it as far as I am concerned. No one can deny that at present the world has possibly never been as challenged - or as challenging. Consequently we are summoned daily to hold our heads high and do the best we can. I have a little group of extremely talented and gifted people and that is all that concerns me. I don't care if we earn this month or not. The fact is that we can each be proud of who we are and what we do and that counts for more than anything.

Again, all this time I have never had my own "Page" and to tell you the truth, I can't get all that interested in that whole idea. I am strictly a no-fuss person, otherwise I would really be "out there" by now. It just does not matter in the grand scheme of things. I do have my own Site, though, and you are welcome to poddle over there if you like - www.lpking.com.au. What you find there will vary according to how busy I am or how obligated I am to do other things. Like I said, it really doesn't matter. As far as I am concerned I have the best of all worlds and I am very grateful for that.

I should perhaps explain the "old-fashioned" bit. It is more than a marketing exercise. It is who we are. We don't do social media and we spread our content over several Websites. Believe it or not we reach more people that way. And we don't have to cajole them to come back - they are in control. Pop over to our Main Site to see what we do and check out our Bulletin for the latest updates. I do hope you will take a look at the Showcase and if you are a professional person or group who might like to discuss any of the Members, you are most welcome to do so. Just send a message through our Command Centre. Hope we see you again along the mountain path....






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