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Alive, Alaska


Leander Beatty Jr


Feeling so lonely you could cry?


Maybe you need a good laugh or two...

something to lift your spirits...

or a trip to Alaska...

or an encounter with the "real" King...


Road Trip 


A fishing trip that went wrong?

Well, yes and no...

It was a surprise, that's for sure!


Roland David Hunter is a middle-aged African American who has about had enough of everything - job, hassles, no hope. Get the picture? The only ray of light is what he believes will be his final fishing trip to the Catskills.


Yep, he's made a decision. Life isn't going to deal him any more misery. But even the best-laid plans can go wrong; and that seems to be Roland's fate. On his way to the Catskills he becomes an unwitting hero to a wayward driver who grants him his dream - an all-expenses trip to Alaska.


And that is when the fun begins. Roland accidentally discovers a hidden community populated by people who are no longer of this world... croaked... missing and presumed dead....

That's right... real hokey do-do-do stuff.


And as if that is not enough for Roland to deal with he is still being tested; you'll have to read the book to find out how.... But, there is hope for Roland and it comes from a most unlikely source... and he did more than leave the building.... Don't believe? We dare you to find out! And yes, there is a God after all.






Elder Armetha Douglas, St. Louis, Missouri: “I haven’t laughed that hard in a long, long time.”

Minister Mark Kelley, St. Louis, Missouri:
“This was so good, I read it in one setting. This definitely needs to be a movie.” 

Walter Tyrell Walker:
“I read quite a bit as I travel and many of these books are exactly the same.  This one has a fresh theme, original, alive characters, a lively pace and an unpredictable ending.  This is what I like to call “enjoyable reading”.  It’s nice to see a book where we (African Americans) are not viewed as thugs, pimps, jailbirds, musicians, sports heroes or other so called “Black Roles”, but as what we are most: everyday, honest, hard working peoples. And it’s great to see one of us actually receive some well-deserved success. This is a great book!”


L P King, Mountain Mist Productions: "This book is a breath of fresh air. And Leander Beatty Jr's enthusiasm is infectious. Good Fantasy with a comedic twist is a bit of a rarity these days, but Lee pulls it off beautifully. I believe at this time we need more books like this. It is a good, light and enjoyable read that should appeal to all ages. You'll only be limited by your own imagination - and whether or not you dare to believe in the impossible. I love this book and I think Australians will love it too - because even though it is set miles away from us, we can still relate to the laconic humour and the concept of the battler winning out in the end."








Leander Beatty Jr was born and raised in Brooklyn, N.Y., in the heart of the ghetto. He traveled extensively in the United States, residing for seven years in San Diego, California before relocating to Saint Louis, Missouri after meeting his wife.  He is the Author of numerous stories including "Driftwood", “Someday, You’ll Understand”, “Gifts From The Boogey Man” and “God’s Cure” and he previously wrote for Black Economic Community Magazine in San Diego. Current works include: "Soul Ties - Naiesha’s Story" and "Signature Of The Artist".



Go Here to correspond - Alive Alaska by Leander Beatty Jr, both the novel and the screenplay, are available for outside consideration.



Alive, Alaska

Print Book Item No 0066

ISBN 978 1 920913 28 9

$25.40 AUD

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Background by www.grsites.com

Audio clip from www.cool-midi.com

Animations from www.heathersanimations.com


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